December 1995

News Marathon!
From our British newsdesk, thus slightly anglocentric (or albacentric, if that's the Scottish equivalent). Huge wodge of condensed news from all sides of the photo and digital imaging industry.
Guidi's Guide to Infrared Color
John Guidi, Glasgow-based freelance photographer and writer, offers a technical and aesthetic introduction to Kodak's Infrared Ektachrome film.
The Pentax 6x7
In production for almost thirty years, the 'giant Spotmatic' Pentax 6x7 is still a prime choice of working tool for the stock, landscape and commercial freelance photographer needing something bigger than 35mm. By Lee Frost.
Safelights for multi-graded papers
Les McLean tests a range of traditional, fluorescent and sodium type safelights to see which ones are really 'safe' with fast modern variable contrast papers.
A midrange zoom for 120
Following up last month's report on the Mamiya 645SV, a comment on the value of the 55-110mm Mamiya zoom lens for wedding and portrait photography.
The Bagman goes Vest
Trying hard to conceal his camera as well as his embonpoint, Steve Newman tests a briefcase-style kit case from LowePro and a photo vest from Billingham.
The Contax S2 duo
There are now two versions of the all-mechanical, all-costing Contax S2 SLR. Andy Aitken tests both of them but can't afford either.
The Kodak DC40 Digital Camera
Offering more resolution than Apple's Quicktake 150, the Kodak and its Logitech lookalike are the first affordable digital cameras for the rest of us.
Chrome Six Plus
Three-bath E-6 kits are notorious for yielding lousy results off new generation slide films like Velvia and Panther. This new compact chemical kit from Photo Technology cures the process problems.
Back to Black
How can you light a big industrial machine without high power flash - and without a distracting factory background? Jon Tarrant has a tungsten-light answer.
Kenny Martin
Kenny, award-winning portrait photographer and regular columnist for Amateur Photographer magazine, now has his own Home Page - unashamed plug for one of our talented neighbours in Scotland!