Colorama Photodisplay
Product Range

Paper background rolls come in fifty shades, including black, two whites and eight greys. All colours are available in standard and half-width rolls (107" and 53" respectively, both 36ft long). Twenty - one colours are offered in 'double length' (82ft) standard-width rolls: the two whites are also available in 'quad length' (164ft) rolls. Polar White, Black, Banana, Lagoon and Smoke Grey can be supplied in extra-wide triple length rolls (140" wide, 98ft long). A folded A4 colour chart is available.

PVC plain backgrounds are made in seventeen matt colours, including black, white and three greys, plus six gloss colours. Colormatt backgrounds are ideal when reflections are to be avoided: Colorgloss sheets have more intense colours and create subtle surface images. Both types are 0.3mm thick and are supplied in 1 x 1.3m sheets. A folded A4 colour chart is available on request.

PVC graduated backgrounds come in forty different colourways in C size (1.1 x 1.6m) and 17 in D size (2 x 3m). Graduates can be supplied fading from colour to white or darkening from colour to black. In addition, there are blue-to-green, yellow-to-blue, yellow-to-green, yellow-to-orange and yellow-to-red colour changes. To complete the range, there is plain white, plain black, white-to--black and a complete red-to-blue spectrum. PVC ruled backgrounds include diagonal and grid lines in nineteen variations (six diagonals and thirteen grids). They're ideal for eye-catching still-life product shots.

For larger areas, there are 5 x 24ft rolls of vinyl-backed Velour. This is an even more durable material that has a light absorbent surface to allow greater product colour saturation. Velour is available in black, red, grey, blue and green.

Fabrics cover five ranges, offered in a variety of different sizes. Colorich is a 100% cotton weave fabric that is offered in six patterns and three sizes (3 x 3.7m, 3 x 6.1m and 4.9 x 6.1m). Colorblend, as its name suggests, is a range of blended cotton fabrics that are less expensive but still very durable. Seven patterns are offered in the same three sizes, the two smaller of which are more than 35% cheaper than their Colorich counterparts. Even more competitively priced are the six Colorwash fabrics, which are approximately 30% cheaper than the Colorblends and (for the smaller two sizes) less than half price of Colorich fabrics. Equally affordable, but not available in the largest size, are the six cotton and polyester Colortones, while for the very richest backgrounds there are 2.4 x 3.7m Colorplush fabrics. The latter are double sided for added versatility. All fabric backgrounds are supplied with carrying/storage bags. Instant backgrounds - some manufacturers like to call their fold-away

backgrounds 'collapsible', but Colorama's designs are sturdy enough not to collapse! They can, however, be folded away for transportation, then sprung out again to full size on arrival at the location. There are ten Colorflex self-supporting portable backgrounds, all sized 1.8 x 2.1m.

Canvas backgrounds include both abstract and scenic Color-master canvases in each of four sizes, from 1.8 x 2.4m (6 x 8ft) to 3 x 6m (10 x 20ft). Amongst the twenty abstract patterns is the ubiquitous CM6300 brown splatter effect with a central hot spot. In addition, there are three sizes of Chromakey and Hi-Key canvas backgrounds. Scenic designs, except the SSC1300 Bookcase, are supplied to special order and can be customised as required at no extra cost. All canvases are supplied in sturdy tubes and are fitted with top and bottom bars to ensure evenness when unfurled for use.

Children's backgrounds are four hand-painted designs that incorporate floor and background sections to create complete fantasy environments that are ideally suited to child photography. Appropriate posing props are included to help bring the sets to life.

Colormurals are heavy-duty 1.8 x 2.1m (6 x 7ft) photographic prints that can be used to covey a very realistic location setting from the comfort of a warm studio. There are five designs, including a traditional living room decorated for Christmas. All have reinforced edges, top and bottom bars and a rigid storage tube. Prices are comparable with Colormaster scenic canvases.

Support systems: for permanent installations there are motorised and manual-crank Rolleasy jigs that will accept papers and canvases alike. For location work, the Colorama Portable Support can be extended up to a height of 2.9m and a maximum width of 3.55m. Calibrated markings on the uprights ease setting-up, while long, angled legs give good stability. Finally, for both studio and location use when space is tight, Colorama offers its Wraparound Support, which includes side return sections to give a greater apparent background width. The Wraparound takes fabrics up to 6.1m wide and can be supplied with or without support stands (the same type as are used for the Portable Support).

Stand-alone coving is made in three separate versions:

Cove-Lock, the largest coving system, is suitable for cars and large sets - and can be expanded with additional sections to accomodate anything you can get in your studio. All of Colorama's studio coving systems are robust enough to withstand car tyres, office furtniture and models' high heels, and can be painted any colour (it is recommended that coves are painted matt white before use to prevent reflections in the corners)

Colorcove, available as a single scoop (shown) or with side returns as required, is suitable for smaller studios and subjects. More robust than paper backgrounds, yet taking up the same space, this system is ideal for bikes and motorbikes as well as portraiture - I can remember taping up sheets of computer paper to take a picture of a bicycle in our small studio, and wish we'd had one of these then!

Minicove, the smallest of Colorama's cove systems, allows a constant background on smaller subjects in less space than using conventional studio tables and background paper. The Minicove shown in the photograph has a softbox mounted on a glass panel, providing the kind of light usually only attainable with great difficulty

For Further Information contact:
Colorama Photodisplay UK Ltd
Aces Business Park
Kitts Green
Birmingham B33 0LD Tel: 0121 783 9931
Fax: 0121 783 1674

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