Ace Photo Agency

In-depth color files on people and lifestyles, business, industry, technology, sports, skies and sunsets, beaches, glamour, animals, abstracts, textures, still-life, special effects, transport, UK and world travel, music and arts, celebrities, natural history, moods and concepts, plus many more. Pin-reg AV sequences also available. Formats from 35mm to 10 x 8, mostly originals. Regular stock shoots organised by Ace to anticipate future demand. Worldwide network of photographers and sub-agents. Bulk discounts to negotiation. London location - 5 minutes from Wimbledon Underground (subway station) or Wimbledon BR Network SE (main line rail station). Private parking. Visits are most welcome. Deluxe stock catalogs (Vols 2, 3, 4, & 5) featuring over 3,800 images, available free on application. Office hours 9.30 to 6.00pm. Assignment work in own studios. Stock illustrations also available.
Ace Photo Agency
Satellite House
2 Salisbury Road
London SW19 4EZ
Contact: John Panton
Tel: (+44) 181 944 9944
Fax: (+44) 181 944 9940
ISDN Modem: (+44) 181 944 1123