The Master Photographers Association

Hallmark House, 2 Beumont Street
Darlington, DL1 5SZ, England
Tel: 01325 356555
Fax: 01325 357813

Legal Advice Service

The Commercial Legal Advice Service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, providing confidential legal advice on any commercial legal problem subject to U.K. Iaw. Areas covered could include employment problems, contract and property disputes, taxation investigations and prosecutions. This service is provided by DAS Services Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd.

To access the Legal Advice Service, please telephone 0117 934 21 11 or 0117 976 2030. When contacting the service, please be ready to quote your membership details. Please note: DAS Services Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility for a breakdown of this service which is beyond its control.