Floors Castle, Kelso, and the Tweed

This shot is taken on the new Fujicolor Super G Plus 200-speed negative film, using a Minolta 9xi with 80-200mm f2.8 Apo lens, hand-held. The exposure was around 1/750 at f8 on a bright February morning.

Floors Castle is the home of the Duke of Roxburghe, is the largest inhabited 'castle' in Scotland, was designed by Robert Adam though often attributed to Vanbrugh, remodelled by Playfair, and featured as Tarzan's inheritance in the film 'Greystoke'. It is open to visitors from Easter to October each year, and well worth the detour if you're en route between England and Edinburgh.

The part of the river you can see here, with the salmon cauld visible to the left, passes Walton Hall (see Mythstuff if not already visited - beware, long and nothing to do with photography!) and is one of the most expensive salmon beats in the world.

The photograph is copyright 1995 David Kilpatrick but may be used freely for any purpose including publication providing reproduction does not exceed 13cm wide, and a suitable byline and caption are printed.

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