To the best of the Editor's knowledge Mr Tarrant is not a neo-Nazi, member of the National Front, or anything other than someone with lots of friends who make peculiar jewellery. Readers who see anything other in this, or wonder why Les McLean spent a week marching with the Orangemen in Belfast and photographing them by special permission of their order, are wrong in their conclusions. The only political bias we all seem to share is a violent, unreasonable dislike of the present political establishment in Britain and the legacy of 1,000 years of Norman misrule. So there! Except Tarrant, of course, who is really Norman himself and will be forced to return to his native Channel Islands when all the rest of us Celts and Saxons finally overthrow the ritter class of fair Albion.

This is complete bollocks, by the way. Now there's a good old Saxon word.